
International Alternative Networks

International alternative networks are noncommercial organizations that are working to improve the quality of media and information in their respective countries. As distinct from imperialist electric power infrastructures that are internally controlled as non-commercial, self-sufficient groups that are trying to bring marketing into the 21st century. These initiatives began in 1990 and have expanded to include different media, including online videos for tutorials. In contrast to traditional mass media they aren’t centralized, but instead function as a collection of interconnected local-regional and national connections between individuals.

These groups propagate their ideas by organizing videos reform campaigns and democratizing the information for everyone’s benefit. They also create new communication infrastructures that can be used for local, regional and global changes in relation to social movement movements. They differ in size, type, and focus. WCNs are a form of alternative network comprised of wifi-enabled networks. They communicate to transmit information from one node to the next.

While these systems aren’t one-stop shop, they share some common characteristics, including the desire to provide Internet capability in areas where mainstream network deployments are not available or are not the most preferred option. This article focuses on the legal and economic hurdles that these alternative networks have to face as well as governance issues. It draws lessons from eight previous precedents. It provides a definition of these networks and proposes an classification. In doing so, it seeks to broaden the scope of critical reflections on alternative media and communication infrastructure, considering the complexity and diversity of their operations.